Friday, June 18, 2010

Hey, I'm Ciera. Completely new to the blogging world but thought i would give it a try. I suppose for my first blog ever, i will tell you a little bit about myself...

Singing. It is my passion. Being on stage or in front of a group of people gives me the greatest feeling ever! It's truly indescribable! Fame is the absolute goal but being a karaoke super star in my small town works for right now.

I am a mother to 2 beautiful & amazing children! My son, Marcus, 6 years old was born January 23, 2004. He shares this birthday with his father. Pretty awesome if you ask me, though it can be frustrating trying to do both grown up and child things in the same day to please everybody. My son is just like me! A HAM! He loves to sing, which warms the cockles of my heart and i love that he sings with me!! He's pretty shy at first. But crazy when you get to know him! He is a lover for sure.

My daughter, Laska. What can i say? Total opposite of her big brother! Out going, adventurous, fearless, curious. She is as tough as the boys, but as beautiful as all get out! She is very, VERY opinionated! She tells you exactly whats on her mind and i love that about her. She is also an animal lover. Always so concerned about there well being. I call it her softer side!

My husband, hard worker, good provider, great father, my best friend. Him and i have been through ALOT! There was actually a time where we almost walked away from each other.... But some how, we always make it through and come out fine on the other side.

Marriage is rough. Sometimes i ask myself why anyone would want that for themselves.... I still don't really have the answer to that question but i think i am slowly learning it...

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